Monday, August 24, 2015

My Triple Negative Breast Cancer Sister, Vickie back to Ohio...

I am beyond thrilled to finally meet my very special Triple Negative Breast Cancer Sister, Vickie Roy-Sneedon a few weeks back on July 29, 2015.  Vickie was one of the first TNBC ladies that I first connected with online in the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation Support Group over 5 years ago and have kept in contact since.  That was back in the day when I was newly diagnosed searching for other women who shared the same TNBC subtype of breast cancer that I did and only found very few as TNBC was a fairly new type of breast cancer that was discovered in 2005.  I quickly learned that Vickie and I had a lot in common, being TNBC; we both participated in a TNBC Foundation awareness video; we both loved cats and we both had a Tortoiseshell cat and a longhair black cat AND... though Vickie lives in Australia now for the last several years, we are both from OHIO!
I told Vickie back then that whenever she makes in back to the States to Ohio, to look me up and that we would meet up in person. Ok, this wait was long overdue, 5 years later I get a message from Vickie saying that she is coming home to Ohio during the summer.  I immediately responded that we must get together while she's in town and we need to make this happen! The time came and we decided to meet and drive halfway to Norwalk, Ohio from where I live and halfway from her hometown. Vickie picked the location of this nice coffee shop, Sheri's Coffee House where we hugged, sat and chat for awhile.  We noticed a pink ribbon painted in a wall mural inside the shop, and I inquired if the owner of the coffee house was a survivor... so awesome that she was a long-term breast cancer survivor too!  Vickie, Thank you so much for meeting me and strengthening our special sister bond, I love you!

Melissa Paskvan and Vickie Roy-Sneedon

The beautiful mural where the pink ribbon caught my eye...