Monday, August 16, 2010

Warriors In Pink

Toledo Walleye's "Pink in the Rink" 2010
Benefiting Susan G. Komen Foundation

Friday, August 6, 2010

1 Year Ago Today, My World Came Crumbling Down...

Reflecting back on August 6, 2009 of what I was feeling for my world was about to crash down when I got that phone call from my doctor saying my lab results came back positive for breast cancer. I couldn't talk, couldn't ask questions, I was stunned with disbelief that my worst fear was now reality. First thing I thought, was my son... the possibility of him being without his mommy and how do I tell him that I'm sick?
I never cried, I wasn't angry but, I was really scared, scared of the unknown.... Suddenly, nothing else mattered, I couldn't see pass "today"... Am I going to die? How much time do I have? How bad was my cancer? Did it spread? Is it in my lymph nodes? Is it treatable? Will I lose my breast? Will I have chemo and radiation? ...and OMG, am I'm going to lose my hair?... Questions that weren't answered for 2 weeks. Can you imagine all the fear racing through my head and trying to keep myself together for we have not yet told our son? I think my husband was more worried than I was, I had to stay focused. I knew I had to be strong, and I knew I was in for a long fight ahead of me.
Today, "Life is Good" is the normal and, I now live for the moment. I am a survivor!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"I Promise Suzy... Even If It Takes The Rest Of My Life"

(L) Suzy Komen (R) with sister Nancy G. Brinker, Founder and CEO Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Beautiful pic, beautiful woman that inspires me to fight harder for all us women. Thank you Nancy for her continued legacy and for making such a tremendously huge impact in the breast cancer awareness and research movement...... Still clinging on to hope that they find a cure to end breast cancer forever!
I'm approaching my 1 year survivorship end of August.

Today marks the anniversary passing of Susan G. Komen on August 4, 1980. Her sister, Nancy G. Brinker, founder and CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure continues her legacy in a "promise" launching the breast cancer movement globally to protect all women and and do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Every Year We Win The Fight Against Breast Cancer Through Early Detection...

One year ago yesterday I discovered my lump through early detection and it changed my life forever. One year ago today, I demanded that mammogram to be done ASAP and got in the next day. Today, I look back at everything I've been through this past year and I actually amazed myself on how hard I fought to win this fight and the amount of strength I have proven to myself, family and friends and people I've met along the way. Now, it's that time again to get my mammogram scheduled and I hope you do too.