Tuesday, August 23, 2011


In response to the Triple Negative Breast Cancer diagnosis of 35yr old, Nancy Block- Zenna who lost her 2 1/2 years battle in 2007,The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation was established in 2006 in her honor to raise awareness and to help fund research of this subtype of breast cancer.  TNBC foundation was formed  by Nancy's close friends in hope that better treatment options and a cure for triple negative breast cancer will be found so it's not a threat to her daughter. Early formation of TNBC foundation was the "Peace Love and a Cure campaign" designing beach towels with symbols: a peace sign, a heart and a pink ribbon printed on them in response to the initial refusal of Nancy's health insurance coverage of a recommended chemotherapy treatment. Later, her insurance company approved coverage of her chemotherapy course and the $9,000 raised from the sale of the beach towel campaign was used to start up what is now The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation (TNBCF) http://www.tnbcfoundation.org/ourstory.htm

100% of all donations to TNBCF, is used to promote awareness and fund research for this particularly life-threatening disease, triple negative breast cancer.
TNBCF site has a great amount of information in understanding triple negative breast cancer and many resources for your needs including brochures, forums, videos, and survivor stories. In partnership with CancerCare, a TNBC support group was developed as well as a TNBC toll free helpline
Contact to participate in an online support group
To contact an oncology social worker by email

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation(TNBCF)

Happy Birthday To Me...

My Birthday card from Scott Clarke, artist and writer of Crabby Cards as I celebrated another year of life on August 20th!

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Breast Cancer Site, Click To Fund Free Mammograms

The Breast Cancer Site
 click on image to give once a day, every day of the year on The Breast Cancer Site 
The Breast Cancer Site, founded in October 2000 leads in saving more lives in the fight against breast cancer with it's online activism. Knowing the importance of early detection in women, The Site was formed to help fund free mammograms to women in need. Visit The Breast Cancer Site daily, click on the pink "Click Here to Give- It's Free" button where your daily clicks generate funding that is paid by sponsors of the site. In addition, portion of proceeds from each sale through the Breast Cancer Site is also donated to this cause.  The proceeds are contributed to the National Breast Cancer Foundation to provide mammograms for uninsured, under-privileged women.
(Click to link for story)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Robin Roberts, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, A Chapter In Her Life

"I'm not telling you I'm cancer-free," she says. "I have a very aggressive type called triple-negative that happens in a lot of African-American women..." 
(Click link for full story)

allowscriptaccess="always" allownetworking="all" allowfullscreen="true" src="http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/static/flash/embeddedPlayer/swf/otvEmLoader.swf?version=fw1000&station=kfsn&section=&mediaId=7016715&parentId=null&cdnRoot=http://cdn.abclocal.go.com&webRoot=http://abclocal.go.com&configPath=/util/&site=">

Monday, August 15, 2011

Jennifer Griffin Interview, Diet And Exercise Is Her Tamoxifen Against Recurrence Of Her Triple Negative Breast Cancer

I completely changed my diet at the time of diagnosis. Research showed that while we triple negative sisters don't have drugs to prevent a recurrence, a low saturated fat diet and 4-5 hours of exercise a week can lower the chance of recurrence by 60 percent. That was enough for me.  Exercise and a strict diet became my tamoxifen." 
- Jennifer Griffin    

“There’s no question that low-fat diets are increasingly being associated with a better outcome." - Dr. Freya Schnabel 
 http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/35347062/ns/today-today_health/#.Tkikyxw0jZI (Click link for full story))

"...Two years is the finish line for you to begin to relax. Keep exercising every day and eat lots of oxidant rich veggies and very little fat or meat (easier said than done!) Diet and exercise is a Triple Negative survivor's Tamoxifen. Promise."  - Jennifer Griffin

Jennifer Griffin's blog http://jengriffinblog.blogspot.com/ 
(Click to link)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Chemical Romance - Cancer (Live Acoustic At 98.7FM Penthouse)

I debated about posting this video, it does bring out the sadness in cancer, but I thought it was beautifully written and very powerful in bringing out your emotions.  Here it is, the song is called, "Cancer" from one of my favorite bands, My Chemical Romance. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Crabby Cards, "Ribbons Of Pink"


Scott Clarke, Designer of greeting cards, crabbycards.com  has created cards on "Early Detection" and "Inspiration" to help promote breast cancer awareness.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Replacing Mastectomy Scars With Tattoos

For many woman, losing their breast to cancer can be very traumatic, in a sense of their femininity being replaced with scarring and discoloration of the chest. Roni Falgout, a tattoo artist does post-reconstruction tattooing that covers mastectomy surgical scars on breast cancer survivors. The beautiful feminine designed tattoo artwork has changed survivors on how they look at themselves by hiding these scars that reminded them of how they lost their breast. 

Hidden Hand Tattoo
Roni Falgout, Tattoo Artist

3516 Fremont Pl N

Seattle, WA 98103

ph: 206.632.7313

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Helping Hand For Young Breast Cancer Patients

"Since 2008, the Pink Daisy Project has helped more than 150 women -- mostly in the form of house-cleaning assistance and gift cards for gas, groceries and restaurants."

http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/08/04/cnnheroes.cantwell.breast.cancer/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 (Click to link story)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Resources

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation  

Download the NEW brochure - State-of-the-Art Treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer:Talking With the Experts Oncology Presented

 TNBC toll free helpline877-880-TNBC(8622)

Contact to participate in an online support group

To contact an oncology social worker by email

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer 

Guide to Understanding Triple-Negative Breast Cancer 
Living Beyond Breast Cancer  

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Research and Treatment Updates 
Living Beyond Breast Cancer  library: 

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Fear of Recurrence 4/26/11

 TNBC_Fear of Recurrence_Hill Schnipper.mp3 
Triple Negative Breast Cancer 4.26.11.pdf 

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Medical Update 4/12/11

TNBC_Medical Update_Carey_4.12.11.mp3

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A Closer Look 2/27/11

Triple Negative Breast Cancer. A Closer Look - Celebration 3.4.mp3

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Medical and Lifestyle Update 11/13/10

Managing Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer 5/1/10


Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Genetic Risk and
Treatment Updates 4/15/10

A Closer Look: Triple-Negative Breast Cancer 2/27/10


Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Understanding
Treatment Options 11/14/09

Advanced Breast Cancer Treatment Update: Medical
and Quality-of-Life News 10/14/09

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Treatment Update and
Tools for Healthy Living 4/21/09

Triple Negative 
Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation 

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer - Ask-the-Expert Online Conference 

Triple Negative Breast Cancer- The Discovery Channel: Video Part 1

Triple Negative Breast Cancer- The Discovery Channel: Video Part 2

Triple Negative Breast Cancer- The Discovery Channel: Video Part 3

Triple Negative Breast Cancer- The Discovery Channel: Video Part 4

Understanding Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Video

Triple Negative Breast Cancer and it's First Targeted Therapy Research: 
An interview with Dr. Andreas Forero Video

Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Komen Foundation

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Living With Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Series

Ann Pietrangelo, a contributing writer for Care2 writes a series of articles of life with Triple Negative Breast Cancer from a patient's perspective.
http://www.annpietrangelo.com/cancer_series.php (Clink to link)

Potential New Drug Target For Hard-To-Treat ‘Triple-Negative’ Disease

"Harvard scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have identified an overactive network of growth-spurring genes that drive stem-like breast cancer cells enriched in triple-negative breast tumors..."
(Click to link to story)