Thursday, October 31, 2013

Laura Roppe' 5 Years from Diagnosis 2013

My advice to new patients: "You must take it a day at a time and not allow yourself to spiral into unadulterated fear and worst-case-scenario thinking. Just do what must be done today, and the next and then the next. Trust and believe you will get through it, and you will grow and learn from the experience. Focus on giving and receiving love to the best of your ability. And know that you are not alone."
~Laura Roppe'

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Komen Foundation Partners with Other Large Breast Cancer Organizations To Find Answers

A first-of-its-kind collaboration between three large breast cancer organizations aimed at finding better treatments for metastatic survivors and ultimately helping to determine causes of and prevention for breast cancer.

The collaboration is between Komen, the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and the Young Survival Coalition. In the short term, the organizations are asking breast cancer survivors to tell us about the side effects of their treatment.  We know that patients often keep those side effects to themselves, unwilling to complain about treatments that are keeping them alive. These side effects, however, – depression, lymphedema, neuropathy, chemobrain, etc. – often aren’t documented widely, so doctors are not aware of information that could help them better treat their breast cancer patients.

We hope to break through that silence in the hopes of helping the medical community and patients.
(Click link to participate)

The larger study is Dr. Love’s Health of Women [HOW] Study. The organizations are asking everyone (regardless if the person has been diagnosed with breast cancer or not) to take part in the HOW Study. Dr. Love is gathering data that may help identify patterns of causation in breast cancer.

About the HOW Project:
The HOW Study is a long-term cohort study in which participants are followed over time and are asked to complete periodic online questionnaires about their past and current health. The goals of the HOW Study are to identify risk factors for breast cancer as well as factors that can contribute to long-term survival. Anyone over the age of 18 can participate in HOW regardless of medical history, gender or geographic location.

Dr. Love is “democratizing” the research by inviting everyone – male, female, old, young, breast cancer survivor or not – to participate in the HOW study. Even if you are not a breast cancer patient, comparing information about you can help us identify areas which make a person at greater risk for developing breast cancer.

Participation in this study is also an opportunity to bring issues with breast cancer diagnosis and treatment front and center, so that organizations and physicians can do a better job of helping patients. We invite you to participate, and to submit topics or questions about any side effects experienced with breast cancer treatments to

(Click link to story)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tell Dr. Susan Love Everything That Sucks About Breast Cancer Treatment!

I am asking all of my followers to please participate and let your voices be heard. Thank you kindly, Melissa Paskvan

Are you undergoing chemotherapy, radiation or an adjuvant treatment like Tamoxifen and worry about the long-term effects on your body and mind?  Did you go through treatment years ago but remain concerned about the long-term implications on your your overall health and quality of?  Have you experienced a condition since treatment like shingles, a cardiovascular issue, vision impairment, body or joint pain, unexplained weight changes or fatigue and wonder if there's a connection? How about chemo-brain? Fertility? Early menopause? Depression? Intimacy? Relationship issues?  
Please share all your concerns about treatment with Dr. Love via YSC so YOUR voice can be included in her Health of Women (HOW) study.


Calling all young survivors – Dr. Susan Love wants to hear from you! 
Join the conversation and tell Dr. Love what side affects you are experiencing from treatment. This is the first study in history determined by those experiencing the problems, not by researchers and physicians. Tell Dr. Love by October 31, 2013, about your collateral damage from breast cancer treatment.

Join the conversation:


What would you give to end breast cancer?

YSC has joined forces with the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation on the Health of Women (HOW) study to examine the collateral damage of breast cancer. We need young survivors AND young women not affected by breast cancer to ensure young women are well represented in this study. Recruit others to join the movement and sign up now:

About the HOW Study  
The How Study is the first ever international online study for breast cancer. It is being conducted by the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation (DSLRF) in collaboration with Leslie Bernstein, PhD, of the City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center. The groundbreaking study has a goal of tracking 200,000 women over time with the objective of identifying new risk factors for, and potential causes of breast cancer. It will also examine women and men with breast cancer, including those living with metastatic disease, to identify factors that are linked to long-term survival and the impact of treatments on their lives.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

20th Annual Komen Race for the Cure 2013, Toledo OH.

17, 000 participants in this year's 20th Anniversary Race for the Cure of Northwest, Ohio on September 29, 2013. This is the biggest event in Toledo every year raising more than $1 million with 75% of funds remains in Northwest Ohio to help provide education, screening and support services.  In support of my "Pink Sisters" whom I met during this journey, TNBC sisters that I've known to battle to the end and to those that are still fighting fiercely, I continue to fight beside you all and in your honor. 
As of 2013, Susan G. Komen has invested more than $74 million in over 100 research grants focused on triple negative breast cancer since it was first identified as a distinct type of breast cancer in 2006.

We're all survivors!

Melissa Paskvan, Michelle Moore and
 TNBC sister Diane Pokrywka

TNBC sisters Genny Diaz,
 Melissa Paskvan and Kim Youster

Melissa with Sandy Liedel on far right,
mother of friend from high school

WTOL News Anchor Chrys Peterson
 and Melissa Paskvan

"I run for you and me, my friend"

Celebrating all of my TNBC sisters
that have touched my life

Melissa Paskvan and TNBC sister, Diane

Melissa Paskvan and
TNBC sister Genny Diaz

TNBC sister, Rita Hafner
and Melissa Paskvan

Former co-worker Charlotte Adams 
and Melissa Paskvan

Michelle Moore and Melissa Paskvan

Penny celebrates all of us
Victory Center ladies

Me with some of my fans!

4 years!

You find me among my fellow survivors?
(Click link to story)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Susan G.Komen Breakfast 2013 with my Victory Center Sisters

Nancy Brinker's message
 to NW Ohio
Good times again with some of my local gals, my breast cancer survivor sisters of The Victory Center. All of these ladies are amazing and we try to get together a few times a year to support local breast cancer awareness events and celebrate LIFE together. Thank you Komen NW Ohio Executive President, Mary Westphal and WTOL's News Anchor, Chrys Peterson for another year of continued awareness and support in our local area, you both have really made a difference in our community and I appreciate it.

Victory Center's Breast Cancer Support Group

Victory Center ladies: Joanne, Melissa, Judi and Sandy

WTOL News Anchor and Emcee, Chrys Peterson,
Melissa Paskvan and breast cancer survivor,
Michelle Moore

Triple Negative Sister, Genny Diaz,
 Komens NW Ohio Executive President, Mary Westphal
and Melissa Paskvan

Us lovely ladies are all TNBC Survivors!
Jill, Diane, Diane, Genny, Melissa and Rita

TNBC Survivors: Jill,  Melissa and Deb

Melissa and fellow McAuley High School Alumni
 and breast cancer survivor, Bonnie

My signature...

 Melissa. Love this and love you. Thanks for all you do make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.
~ Mary Westphal, NW Ohio Komen Executive Director

Sunday, October 13, 2013

2nd Annual Detroit Tigers Pink Out The Park 2013

Such a fun night at Detroit Tigers Breast Cancer Awareness night at the game on Friday, Sept. 13th with survivors being honored on the stadium's infield in front of a sell-out crowd of 40,389 with a 6-3 win over the Kansas City Royals. I went to the game with my Triple Negative Breast Cancer sister, Andrea Laduke Kayson from our online group and a few of her friends, including TNBC sister, Dea Ruelle.  I had met Andrea a couple of weeks prior when she came down to Toledo for a medical appointment where I had met up with her at her appointment and then we had lunch at one of my favorite places, Nick and Jimmy's.

Melissa Paskvan and TNBC Sister, Andrea Laduke Kayson

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Sisters from our
online group, Dea Ruelle,  Andrea Kayson and
Melissa Paskvan

TNBC Sister's Dea Ruelle on far left,
Andrea Kayson second from right
and Melissa Paskvan on far right 

Us breast cancer SURVIVORS! 
We're standing towards the back, left side.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Sisters
 Dea Ruelle,  Andrea Kayson and
Melissa Paskvan

Approaching the infield...

Detroit Tigers hosts the Kansas City Royals 

Us survivors honored on the infield

Melissa Paskvan and TNBC Sister, Andrea Laduke Kayson

Us survivors being honored on the infield

TNBC sister, Andrea Laduke Kayson

Us survivors on the infield, we're on the left

  TNBC Sister, Andrea Laduke Kayson and Melissa Paskvan

TNBC sister, Andrea Laduke Kayson
and Melissa Paskvan

TNBC sister, Andrea Laduke Kayson and 
Melissa Paskvan among 40,000+ Tigers fans

Pure Michigan... Comerica Park