Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Living Beyond Breast Cancer Presents Results of First Survey of Psychosocial Needs of Women with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

"Women who have been diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) have a significantly stronger preference for information tailored to their cancer subtype and experience greater fear, anxiety and worry at all points from diagnosis through treatment, according to a first-ever study conducted by Living Beyond Breast Cancer. "

Click link to story:

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Holiday Get-Together 2014 with my Victory Center Family...

Toledo's The Victory Center offers to cancer patients and survivors services that includes relaxations therapies, exercise classes, art therapy, support groups and yes, our annual Holiday PotLuck Get-Together. I really appreciate all that TVC has done for us survivors to make their center feel like home to all of us.

Melissa And Penny

Jyll, Lori, Beth, Melissa, Lynette,
Melissa J. and Carol 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

CDX-011 Study Gives Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patients New Hope

“This is the most promising phase 3 trial in triple negative breast cancer in the last five years, since the phase 3 trial with the PARP inhibitor iniparib,” says Cleveland Clinic oncologist and principal investigator Alberto Montero, MD. “CDX-011 is a novel targeted drug for a disease that is defined clinically by the absence of any targets. A potent chemotherapy is delivered in a targeted fashion by being attached to an antibody that recognizes GPNMB, which is overexpressed in about 25 to 30 percent of all triple negative breast cancers.”
Click link to read full article:

Saturday, November 15, 2014

All Women of Ashkenazi Descent to be Screened for the Genectic Mutations

On October 18 2014, my oncologist, Dr. Mohamed gave an excellent, very informative presentation that I attended on the risk of BRCA gene mutation of the Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. Here listed, are some facts that I gathered from different websites that I thought was important to share with the Ashkenazi community.

Know your family history, know your risk


  • Individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry (descendants from Eastern and Central Europe) have a 1 in 40 chance of carrying a BRCA gene mutation. This is at least a ten times greater probability than that of the general population.
  • Women who carry mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 have up to an 80% risk of developing breast cancer and up to a 45% risk of developing ovarian cancer.
  • The chance that breast, ovarian, or pancreatic cancers are associated with BRCA mutations is highest in families
    with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, multiple cases of breast cancer, women with both breast and ovarian cancer,
    breast cancer under age 50, individuals with two or more cancers, male breast cancer, pancreatic cancer or ovarian cancer at any age. 
  • BRCA mutations are also associated with increased risk of fallopian tube, primary peritoneal (abdominal lining), pancreatic, melanoma, male breast and prostate cancers. 
  • Men who carry BRCA mutations also have increased cancer risks.
  • Men can also carry and pass these gene mutations on to their family, and also have increased cancer risk.
  • If  a mother or father carries a BRCA gene mutation, there is a 50% chance of passing it on to each child. 

"Instead of Ashkenazi women being tested for the two defective BRCA genes only if a close blood relative contracted breast or ovarian cancer, a research team headed by Shaare Zedek Medical Center Prof. Ephrat Levy-Lahad recommends that all women of Ashkenazi origin be screened for the genetic mutations from age 30." http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Health/Israeli-research-team-Screen-all-Ashkenazi-Jewish-women-for-BRCA-mutations-374551 (Click link to story)

Melissa Paskvan and Dr. Mohamed

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

“Chemo This Morning, Garth Tonight, Enjoying The Dance."

Upfront at a Garth Brooks concert, a breast cancer survivor holds up a sign that brings Garth to a halt while singing "The Dance." Read story...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Congrats to the Victory Center Honored with the 2014 Debra A. Green Community Service Award...

The Victory Center's gals get-together at Toledo's Hattitude breast cancer awareness brunch hosted by Medical Mutual of Ohio on October 18th 2014. Us breast cancer survivor sisters showed our support for The Victory Center as they were recognized and honored with the Debra A. Green Community Service Award for its ongoing dedication and commitment to those touched by cancer.  This award is so very deserving to The Victory Center (TVC) as I have been a member of their breast cancer support group since 2010. I have met so many courageous survivors through TVC and the staff there, they are amazing with their compassion and commitment towards cancer patients and caregivers. Congrats to The Victory Center for this great honor! 

Melissa P., Val, Barb, Diane, Rita, Melissa J. and Jamie
4 of us are TNBC survivors!

Melissa and Dianne Cherry, Executive Director
of  The Victory Center

Dianne Cherry, Melissa, Chrys Peterson and Barb

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What We Know and What We Are Learning About Triple Negative Breast Cancer 2014

Massimo Cristofanilli, M.D., F.A.C.P.
I attended an excellent TNBC presentation by Dr. Massimo Cristofanilli at the Living Beyond Breast Cancer Fall Conference on September 27, 2014, and I wanted to share with my TNBC community on "What we know and What we are learning" about Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
• TNBC refers to a form of breast cancer which lacks
expression of ER, PR and HER2/neu
• It is estimated that 232,000 new cases of breast
cancer will be diagnosed in 2014
• Approximately 15-20% of breast cancers
• No targeted therapies  currently approved for TNBC
–Iniparib (not a PARP inhibitor)
–Bevacizumab (VEGF inhibitor) 

Risk factors for TNBC
• More common in young women and women of
African and Hispanic ancestry
• More common in women with a BRCA1 mutation
–75% with TNBC
• 15-20% of women with a BRCA2 mutation develop TNBC
• Patients with TNBC should consider genetic testing if
they have family history of breast/ovarian cancer or
are diagnosed at a young age 

Standard Treatments for Early-Stage TNBC
• Neoadjuvant/Adjuvant treatment
• Goal of therapy is curative
• Anthracycline and taxane-based chemotherapy
– Typically administered for 8 cycles (4 of each)
– Order doesn’t matter for adjuvant (T-(F)AC vs (F)AC-T)
– Anthracycline doesn’t matter (A vs E)
• Surgery
– Mastectomy vs Lumpectomy
• Radiation Therapy
– To breast and/or lymph nodes

Recurrence Patterns of TNBC
• Most women with metastatic TNBC are first
diagnosed with early stage breast cancer
• Recurrences are most common within 3 years of
initial diagnosis
• Metastases are more common in
–Lungs, Liver, Brain 
• Metastases are less common in

Standard treatment for Metastatic TNBC
• Single-Agent Chemotherapy
– Taxanes
– Capecitabine   
– Eribulin      
– Liposomal doxorubicin
– Other microtubule inhibitors (ixabepilone, vinorelbine) 
• Combination Chemotherapy Regimens
– Carboplatin+Gemcitabine
– Ixabepilone+Capecitabine
• Clinical Trials
• No targeted agents are currently approved for TNBC  

What we are learning about TNBC
• Research focused on TNBC is relatively recent
• TNBC is defined by characteristics it does not have
–ER/PR negative
–HER2 negative
• TNBCs are genetically unstable
–Chromosomes are actively rearranging
–Gene alterations are ongoing
–Treatments to target this instability are being developed
• There are different types of TNBC

*** If you have a recurrence, test for subtypes to 
      determine course of treatments.

What does this mean for those with TNBC?
• Being able to subdivide triple-negative breast
cancers into subcategories will help us identify
new targets for therapy
• Clinical research is ongoing to target pathways
that are implicated in TNBC and newer trials
are being developed based on this work

Recent Clinical Trial Results
• Two randomized, phase II neoadjuvant trials presented at the
SABCS in December of 2013 demonstrated promising efficacy
for new treatments for early-stage TNBC
• Primary endpoint of study was to look at pathological
complete response rate (pCR)
• CALGB 40603
– T-AC 
– +/- bevacizumab
– +/- carboplatin
• I-SPY2
– T-AC
– +/- carboplatin plus veliparib (ABT-888)

Summary of Results
• CALGB 40603
–Addition of bevacizumab lead to increased in breast pCR rates
but not in breast+axilla
–Addition of bev lead to an increase in serious toxicities
–Addition of carbo lead to significant increases in pCR rates in
breast and axilla, with increased but manageable toxicities
• I-SPY2
–TAC +/- (veliparib+carboplatin)
–Estimated pCR rate for veliparib+carbo predict a high likelihood
of success over control arm
–Veliparib/carbo arm associated with higher rates of hematologic toxicity

Role of Carboplatin and Veliparib in TNBC
• Both CALBG 40603 and I-SPY2 suggest a role for carbo in the
management of a subset of TNBCs
• While carbo did increase risk of hematologic toxicities, these
toxicities were manageable (delays, dose mods)
• Addition of bev only seemed to increase in breast pCR rates,
but at the risk of life-threatening toxicities
• Contribution of veliparib is unclear
• A phase III study investigating the contribution of carbo and
carbo/veliparib for women with early stage breast cancer will
be opening soon
• A phase II neoadjuvant study is currently ongoing at TJU

Targeted Therapies Currently Under Investigation for Advanced TNBC
• Immune therapy (PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors) +/- chemotherapy
• Androgen receptor
• PARP inhibitors
– Mutation carriers (monotherapy)
– TNBC (in combination with chemo)
• Glucocorticoid receptor
• AKT/PI3K/mTOR inhibitors
• Jak2 inhibitors
• Macrophages (the tumor microenvironment) 

Why has it been so hard to find a treatment?
• TNBC is not one disease 
–It is important to understand which type of TNBC will
respond to which type of therapy
• Tumors are genetically unstable and are constantly
undergoing changes
• Newer technologies and clinical trials hold great
promise for the future

Future Promise
• Much research is ongoing in the field of breast cancer
–Understand mechanisms of resistance
–Develop more personalized therapy
• New therapies are being developed and tested in
clinical trials specifically for TNBC
• Hope for the future
–More effective therapies
–Fewer side effects 

Dr. Cristofanilli taking questions from the audience of
mostly TNBC Survivors. Seated on the left is Arlene Brothers of
the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Coming Soon... Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day 3.3.2015!

What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day?
3-3-15 is the third Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day — a national day of awareness and grassroots fundraising events to help eradicate triple negative breast cancers and assist those impacted by the disease. It's a serious day, but the tone is positive as we celebrate all those who join our efforts in tackling the next frontier in breast cancer.
While significant progress has been made in breast cancer research, there is shockingly little known about triple negative cancers, even though they impact up to 1 in 5 women diagnosed with breast cancer. TNBC does not have any of the known treatment receptors — meaning that many of the advances in breast cancer treatment don't work for women diagnosed with TNBC.
How do I get involved?
We are asking you — our community and supporters — to plan or join fundraisers and awareness events in each state across the country to take place on — or leading up to 3.3.15. Events of all sizes and types are welcome! You don't need to be a professional fundraiser. The most successful events tie into something that you love: from walking to yoga or lattes to cupcakes. Do what you love and your friends, family and community will follow! The most successful events tend to be the simplest.

Click link to register your event:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Full-Circle Friendship Rooted in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Amazing story published on how the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation started in honor of the passing of their close friend, Nancy Block-Zenna to TNBC in 2007.  Eight years later and as their Bat Mitzhah service project, Nancy's daughter, Jolie and her childhood friends who were all about 5 years old at the time, have come together now at age 12, to form "TNBC Mitzvah Girls" with raising funds for the TNBC Foundation by selling products through their website. Also, a walk is planned to benefit  the foundation.

Please click on link below to read this inspiring article.

The Mitzvah Girls are featured in (201) Family magazine this month. Read more about the girls fighting triple negative breast cancer: 


Monday, October 27, 2014

Sharing Stories at Living Beyond Breast Cancer Fall Philadelphia Conference 2014

LBBC hosted another great breast cancer conference on September 27, 2014, focusing on Metastatic, Triple Negative and HER2+ breast cancers.  This one day event brought over 400 people together, mostly survivors to learn the latest research and treatments in their specific type of breast cancer.  The TNBC Foundation has partnered up to bring 3 TNBC tracks to the audience.  I attended a track on Triple Negative Breast Cancer that was given by oncologist, Dr. Massimo Cristofanilli, who spoke of treatment, current TNBC clinical trials and the direction of future research... I will post some notes and slides in another post of what I learned from the session.  I also attended a session about blogging about breast cancer because I am a blogger and have been sharing my journey for 5 years now and was looking for tips on being a more successful blogger at reaching a larger audience of TNBC survivors and supporters. The third session that I attended... well actually I was a speaker and moderator at the "Learning From Each Other", a TNBC panel discussion that was attended by 85 people. It was a wonderful experience to do some public speaking and offer some insight along with a panel of some amazing TNBC survivors. I really enjoyed my day meeting up with some TNBC sisters I have already met and a few other TNBC survivors that I newly met. The exhibitors included my two favorite, the TNBC Foundation and Triple Step Towards the Cure. 
I was thrilled to finally meet the ladies of the TNBC Foundation, Co-founder and CEO, Haley Dinerman, Arlene Brothers and Amy and to have dinner with them, Roxanne Martinez and Annie Goodman at a nice mexican restaurant.  I also was happy to meet Allison Nilsen of CancerCare who facilitated the TNBC session. I had a lot of fun rooming with Roxanne at the Leow's Hotel and hanging out at the Hard Rock Cafe across the street with some fabulous ladies for dinner.  Philadelphia is a really pretty city where I spent a few hours sight-seeing, mostly in Old City seeing some historical sites and hanging with Traci Gordon in the park.

I was a moderator at this TNBC Session with
TNBC Survivors Ricki Fairley, Annie Goodman,
Noni Sutherland and Roxanne Marinez

"Learning From Each Other", Triple Negative Breast
Cancer panel discussion with Melissa Paskvan,
Ricki Fairley, Annie Goodman, Noni Sutherland and
Roxanne Martinez

Feeling the excitement for TNBCDay 2015!

TNBC Sisters, Roxanne Martinez, Melissa 
and Annie Goodman

Me with the ladies of the Ladies of the Triple
Negative BreastCancer Foundation and Allison 

of CancerCare. Amy, Melissa, Arlene, Allison 
and Co-founder of TNBF, Haley Dinerman

TNBC Sisters, Roxanne Martinez and
Melissa with the ladies of TNBC Foundation
and CancerCare

All of us TNBC Survivors!

TNBC Sisters, all of us!


Lori Flowers, Co-founder and CEO of Triple 
StepTowards the Cure and Melissa

Melissa and Nicole McLean, breast cancer
survivor and blogger of

TNBC Sisters Melissa and Roxanne Martinez

"Keep telling our stories of survival!"

Melissa and Jean Sachs, CEO of  Living Beyond
Breast Cancer

MBC survivor, TerLisa and Melissa

Melissa, Roxanne Martinez and
Shanese Johnson

Hanging out at the Hard Rock Cafe
TerLisa, Shirley, Bennette, Roxanne, Melissa

TNBC Sisters, Melissa and Roxanne
wearing our TNBCDay shirts

TNBC Survivor and supporter, Bennette,
Shirley and Melissa

TNBC supporter Shirley and Melissa

TNBC Sisters, Melissa and Bennette

The Liberty Bell

Ben Franklin's grave

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Learning From Each Other - A Panel Discussion

Melissa and the TNBC Panelists
"Hear from a panel of your peers - people diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer - who have insights to share and who want to hear from you.  Panel topics may include: living well after a diagnosis of triple-negative breast cancer, common fears and strategies for managing uncertainty and practical tips for moving forward."

Listen (podcast) to me and my TNBC sisters, Ricki Fairley, Annie Goodman, Noni Sutherland and Roxanne Martinez speak at this panel discussion at the Living Beyond Breast Cancer Conference on September 27, 2014 in Phillidelphia, PA.

(Click link to podcast)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bowling Green State University "Dig For a Cure" 2014.

My cousin's kids honoring me and other survivors at the BGSU Volleyball game raising awareness for breast cancer. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Education Workshop, Oct. 31, 2014

Join us as we partner with CancerCare for a Connect Education Workshop on Triple Negative Breast Cancer and African American Women on October 31st from 1:30 – 2:30 pm ET. Register online at: http://ow.ly/C8c58

Hear My Voice: The Hope of Many Summers After a Metastatic Triple-Negative Diagnosis

"New York journalist Annie Goodman discusses the realities of a metastatic triple-negative breast cancer diagnosis, and living her life with more hope and less fear..."

(Click link to story)

Monday, October 13, 2014

“What’s your bra size?” Learn about Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Tell the world Annie Goodman and Ricki Fairley... about us!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Triple Negative Breast Cancer And African American Women

REGISTER NOW (Click link)

Workshop Date and Time

Friday, October 31, 2014, 1:30 – 2:30 pm, Eastern Time
Registrants can listen in live over the phone or online as a webcast.
This program was made possible by the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation.