I promise

"I promise, Suzy... Even if it takes the rest of my life." -Nancy G. Brinker, Founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure

What is TNBC


Just in recent years, Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) has sparked interest in the news where instead of calling the tumor as ER-negative, PR-negative, and HER2-negative; researchers began using the shorthand term, "Triple Negative," dubbed the "new type" of breast cancer. Being Triple Negative, you don't have a targeted therapy and your only treatment option is chemotherapy.

Triple Negative Breast Cancer is seen in about 15% of all breast cancers. TNBC is a very aggressive cancer that tends to strike younger women, pre-menopause, especially among African-American women and women who have BRCA1 mutations. The tumor tends to be fast growing and is less likely to show up on an annual mammogram. TNBC is more likely to metastasis early on; has a high rate of recurrence in the first 2-3 years from diagnosis and has a poorer prognosis than other types of breast cancer due to lack of specific, targeted treatment for TNBC.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

UT Survivorship Conference 2016

On June 25, 2016, I was happy to be a vendor exhibitor representing Young Survival Coalition at The University of Toledo Center for Health and Successful Living Survivorship Conference.  As a Young Survival Coalition State Leader, I was able to provide young survivors with information about the resources that YSC has to offer and bring attention to the organization in my area.

Representing Young Survival Coalition with our
exhibit table

My beautiful friend, 
Breast cancer survivor, Barb Oxner

Guest speaker, Rev. April Hearn

Dr. Thompson

Monday, June 20, 2016

Relay for Life, Lucas County Ohio 2016

I participated at  Relay for Life on June 18, 2016 at Lucas County Fairgrounds where over $117, 000 at this year's event.  I set up an exhibit table for The Victory Center and met up with pink sister, Carol for opening ceremony, walking the survivor lap and having a luncheon.
Local cancer survivor, Caly Bevier was a junior honoree who spoke of her fight against ovarian cancer at the age of 15 and sang, "This is my Fight Song."  This young lady was amazing!  We watched a lip-sync contest where cancer survivor friend Valerie gave a great performance of Cher's cover, "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves." 

Selfie with Cat Trick

Calysta, "This is my Fight Song"

Survivor lap

Pink sister Carol, Pink Panther
and Melissa

16 yr. old Ovarian Cancer Survivor,
Calysta and Melissa

with Captain America and Ariel

Stress relief...

Leaving my mark on cancer

Valerie's lip-sync contest

VIP treatment
My vendor table set-up for The Victory Center

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Celebrating National Cancer Survivor Month 2016

On June 9, 2016, met up with a few of my pink sisters at National Cancer Survivor Month Celebration presented by UTMC Dana Cancer Center.  Listen to a live performance by Stephanie who sang some of our favorite fight songs, "I Will Survive", Stronger" and "Roar!"  watched some survivor friends play cardio drumming that looks like a lot of fun, I must try this someday!  Food, cake, vendors and door prizes. I donated my door prize, a handmade pink ribbon blanket to the Dana Cancer Center Infusion Dept. to be given to a breast cancer patient who will just be starting her chemo treatments.  Thank you University of Toledo's Dana Cancer Center for celebrating us survivors!

Me and my Oncologist, Dr. Mohammed

My pink sisters Yvonne and
Rose cardio drumming

Keynote speaker and breast cancer
survivor, Michelle Ginovanoli and Melissa

Stephanie Roars!

Victory gals Rita, Carol, Areena and Melissa
Rita is a TNBC Survivor

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Ann Arbor National Cancer Awareness Day 2016

Board of survivors...

Thank you Michigan State Comprehensive Cancer Center for the invite for Young Survival Coalition to exhibit a table at their National Cancer Survivors Day Celebration on June 5, 2016.  It was honored as a YSC State Leader to accept a request to represent Young Survival Coalition and display information of resources that YSC has to offer at this special celebration in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  

YSC State Leader, Melissa Paskvan

Representing Young Survival Coalition 

Cancer survivors join in Laughter Works

Lovely Lunch Buffet 

Yummy healthy lunch

Ben & Jerry's Ice  Cream for dessert 

Showing guests YSC resources

My first YSC table exhibiting experience

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saying Good-bye to our Pink Sister, Judi

Melissa loved this pink sister
On June 1, 2016, we said good-bye to a very special pink sister, Judi Gould from our Victory Center's, breast cancer support group.  I met Judi in 2010, she was the first of my Victory gals to reach out to me as I just finished my cancer treatments and finding my new normal through support.  Judi was always upbeat and was a mentor to many of us.  It really saddens me that she had to leave us but will hold memories of Judi close to my heart. Rest in peace Judi.

All of us pink sisters arriving to pay our last respects to Judi

Melissa, Judi G. and Devorah


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

20 Years Strong of The Victory Center

On May 31, 2016, I attended the  20 year celebration of transforming lives at The Victory Center where have been a breast cancer support member for 7 years.

Mission of The Victory Center:
"To support and educate cancer patients and those closest to them by providing individual and group services in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan."


Breast cancer survivors,
Melissa and Jeanette

Here's to 20 years of serving cancer survivors!
right side: Lori, Jyll and Karen

Bottom right corner: Lynn

Mmmm CAKE!
(L) Laura  (R) Karen

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